Today we went to Universal Studios! We went on a tour early before the park was actually opened. I learned the difference between a Theme Park and an Amusement Park. A theme park is based around themes and has a background story to it while an Amusement Park is a bunch of random rides. At Universal, themes change a lot, and you can easily tell by crossing over a bridge, listening to a different type of music, or seeing different types of architecture. We went on the Spider-Man ride which is like a simulator. First, we went on the ride with the lights on to see the screens and stuff. Then we actually went on the ride with the lights off. There is one part in the ride where it feels like we're being lifted up hundreds of feet but we're actually being lifted by a few inches. This effect is when the lights move which tricks you into thinking that you're moving. We also went on the Incredible Hulk Roller coaster which accelerates super fast! It was supposed to make us feel how the Hulk felt when he got mad. After that, we went on the Jurassic Park water ride which was kind of similar to the one at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Mr.M all wanted us to go on the Harry Potter Ride because it's one of the best simulator rides ever! The Harry Potter ride is a simulator to make you seem like you were flying. I haven't read or seen the Harry Potter Movies but it was still really cool. We even got to try butter beer. It's hard to explain what it tastes like. It's tastes like a butterscotch cream soda. Due to the weather, our day at Universal was cut short. It was raining a lot so we had to go home and eat dinner so we don't get sick before the competition. Hopefully tomorrow won't be so gloomy and rainy on our last day at Universal Studios!

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