Today Spot Feature Team competed! After all of that hard work and practices on the weekends, it all came down to that 5 hours we had to produce a story. Brandon, Kaden, and I went to the briefing this morning to find out what our topic was. The topic was " Making it look easy". The briefing ended early so we had a 20 minute head start to brainstorm ideas. At first we went into a store at the Hotel but nobody wanted to be interviewed because they had done so many interviews before. So we walked across the street to the mall and asked a person who worked at a restaurant. He was busy so we weren't able to interview him. We decided to go back to the hotel and talk to people. We finally came across Kristen who was willing to be interviewed. Her friend was also in the High School Spot Feature so she was sitting around waiting for her. We based the story around how making things look easy takes lots of hard work and you may not always work alone. She mentioned how she turned to god when she struggled (I hope there are on rules against religion in the competition). We went to the editing room about ten minutes late but still managed to turn our video in 22 minutes early. I would say that we did a pretty good job, we remembered all of the things we learned from practices and put it into our final project. I was so proud of our team for making the deadline and creating a quality video. After competition I ate lunch and went to break out sessions. I went to one about being Versatile. Versatility is an important thing when working in media, being able to do a variety of things makes you more valuable to jobs and makes you a well rounded person. I also went to a breakout session about finding a compelling story at a park which is like what Spot Feature does. We ended up just watching videos that the guy showed us. We then went to dinner at The Sizzler with our pen pals from Castaic. We had a gift exchange and Mia really liked it. After that, we went to the STN Showcase, they showed a bunch of random videos picked by the judges and had games involving the audience. I'm really nervous for tomorrow and can't wait to see who wins.

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