Apple is becoming bigger and better by the second! With the new iPhones coming out there is also iOS 7! iOS 7 is a huge change from the last update. Usually updates aren’t that big of a deal because there’s only bug fixes or something minor. But, this time apple went all out and created a totally different display with awesome features. iOS 7 is compatible with all iPhones (4 and up) iPod 5, and iPads. The most noticeable change in iOS 7 is the app icons, they have different icons and in my opinion they’re much more bright and cheerful.

 iOS 7 also has new features like control center to turn on your flashlight or change your brightness. There’s also a great feature on the camera to change your photo to square for Instagram. Photos are divided into moments, years, or collections to group your pictures in a neat clever way.

 If you think that these features are a lot, there are even more! I have iOS 7 now on my iPad and I think it’s really cool but, it’s going to take me a little while to get used to it.

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