Now that our first quarter projects are done, it’s time for feedback from our classmates and Mr.M. A couple classes ago we were able to watch a few videos and fill out a rubric about how well we think they did. Honest feedback is important because we want to learn from our mistakes so we can make a great 2nd quarter project. Without honest feedback we wouldn’t be able to learn from our mistakes and improve.

Last year we just watched our videos and commented on what they did well and what they needed to work on. This year we have a new kind of system which involves the rubric. There are different things we need to pinpoint like audio, voiceovers, interviews, and many other specific things that can make a video great or not so great. I think that the rubric that we use is better because all the groups get to give us feedback and tell us what we did well and what we need to work on.

While grading our friends in class, we always want to be nice and not hurt their feelings. Sometimes it’s hard to tell people the truth about their video or in general. We would want someone to tell us that there’s something in our teeth right? And that’s exactly how it is in media, if everyone tells me that my video is perfect, I’m not going to work harder or create a better new story in the second quarter in fact I’d make a video that would be even worse than first quarter.

Just as much as we need to critique things, we also need to comment on the good things that a group may have done well. If we only told a group the bad things they did, it would tear them down and make them not feel good about themselves. So it is very important to be honest in all categories.

I look forward to hearing feedback about our first quarter project so that I can improve those mistakes for our second quarter project. So, honesty is very important especially in feedback. “Honesty is the best policy.”

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