In media we learn about lots of media skills and technical things but, we also learn about how to work together as one big team. We practically do everything together, from fun fundraisers and events to stressful times. That's why we are all all apart of the CKTV Ohana. Without everyone, our class wouldn't be the same great class as it already is.

  It's important that we all cooperate with each other because we we do lots of things where we need to talk to each other and work together. For example, the morning announcements, we are all part of teams and we all need to work well with our peers to produce a great broadcast in front of the whole school to represent our class and leadership. It is also important at STN to work together. I learned that the hard way in sixth grade when our team didn't meet the deadline. If we go to STN and we are all on separate pages and in our own little worlds, there is a high chance that we will not do well in the competition.

  CKTV Ohana also means that we are kind to one another, and respect our differences. We are all special in some way with different traits that go into making this class awesome. That means that there should be no exception of bullying. At the end of the day, nobody is perfect so who are you to judge someone else. When we go on our trip, it will not be fun if there's tension in the air between people who are fighting.

  If there is bullying going on, you need to stand up and do something about it. Sometimes, we may tease each other because we think it's funny but, it might not be funny on the other side. Don't be a bystander, help the other person out. Or tell Mr.M if something is going on that needs his attention. If I was being picked on, I would want someone to help me out. What goes around comes around.

  In conclusion, our CKTV Ohana is what makes our class awesome. It's important that we all remember that we're all here for each other no matter what. We always need to cooperate with each other, even if it gets rough at times. And there should be absolutely NO bullying. If we respect ourselves and each other our class can go a long ways just by being close and being one big happy family.

11/25/2013 06:00:05 am

We are a very awesome class!!! ;) We need to stay that way by keeping our Ohana together and in order to do that we need to respect each other. Hopefully we will stay an Ohana and have a great time in Florida!

1/8/2014 07:12:21 pm

I really liked what you wrote in this blog. Yes, we need to take care of each other and treat people the way we want to be treated! This is your last semester in media and your last STN trip so let's make the most of it!!!


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